


ベルリンで暮らしているSchrödinger's Catさんが現地の自転車インフラの実態を伝えています。

The Alternative Department for Transport
Cycleway design in Berlin and beyond(2015年1月27日)

  • ドイツの自転車道が危険で不便な構造である事
  • 同じ自転車道でもオランダのそれは安全で便利な設計である事


Schrödinger's Cat(2015年1月27日
I often see people refer to studies of German cycleways where the conclusion is that they’re dangerous, then claiming that these studies are evidence that all cycleways are therefore dangerous.


1 国交省が2007年6月に開催した「第2回 新たな自転車利用環境のあり方を考える懇談会」で配布された資料「車道と歩道の安全性の比較 」にその例が見られます。


Schrödinger's Cat(2015年1月27日
So these people who quote studies of German cycling infrastructure are missing one major point: German cycleways are crap. So the studies merely prove that crap cycleways are crap.

Quoting a study of German cycleways from today would be bad enough, but in the 1980s they were even worse, judging by some of the older stuff here in Berlin. To use that study to argue against good quality cycling infrastructure is like quoting the Hindenburg disaster to argue that travelling on an aeroplane is deadly.



A view from the cycle path(2010年5月21日)"German cycle paths vs Dutch cycle paths."
I understand why German cyclists are dis-satisfied with their cycle paths. The quality obviously varies from one place to another, but in many cases they're simply not built with anything like the quality that is required to ensure the safety and convenience of cyclists. However, they have made a mistake in criticizing all cycle-paths.



Anne Lusk(2013年9月20日)
U.S. Federal Highway Administration’s new policy informed by cycle track research published in IP
There has been a sea change in the bike land and we can credit research.  On July 31, 2013, the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requested proposals on “Cycle Track Planning and Design Information.” Until this call, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Engineers (AASHTO) had published bike guidelines that for years intentionally did not include cycle tracks (barrier-protected bicycle-exclusive paths beside sidewalks).

The FHWA proposal defended their new call, “There is a growing body of research on cycle tracks in the U.S. and Canada indicating that, when they are designed well, they do not increase bike crash rates.”  The FHWA proposal added, “A growing body of research is also suggesting that separated bikeways encourage more people to bicycle.”


  • 自転車道の方が安心という率直な感覚を無下にするんでしょうか?
  • 猫さんが指摘したような論理の誤謬に気付かないんでしょうか?


Steven Fleming(2013年10月15日)
Ride to work? You’ll need a bike barrier for that
Bike store owner John Forester was a keen “vehicular cyclist”. He could keep pace with cars, assert his right to a lane, and gracefully somersault onto the grass if ever a driver looked but didn’t see him. He published these tips in his 1976 book Effective Cycling, with some good intentions, but also a hint of male pride.

By the way he opposed the Dutch-modelled cycle tracks he feared would spread to the US, you could be forgiven for thinking his secret fear was being made to ride beside women and children.

Authorities throughout the Anglosphere nations where Forester’s book was read most were happy to listen to a male voice of cycling. There was no way though that Forester’s ideas were going to have sway with the Dutch.
