










ん? もしかして鉄道でも、ICカード化が進んでいる今ならラッシュ時の加算運賃とかできるんじゃないでしょうか? 昔はオフピーク時間帯限定の回数券くらいしかインセンティブ付与手段が有りませんでしたけど、今なら入場/出場時刻に応じて(定期券利用者にも)5円とか10円とか上乗せできますよね?

Wikipedia(2015年11月5日19:30版)"Stockholm congestion tax"(2015年12月24日閲覧)
The amount of tax payable depends on what time of the day a motorist enters or exits the congestion tax area. There is no charge on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays or the day before public holidays, nor during nights (18:30 – 06:29), nor during the month of July.[9][10] The maximum amount of tax per vehicle per day is 60 SEK (7.23 EUR, 9.47 USD).
課される税額はドライバーが渋滞課税区域に出入りした時間帯によって異なる。土曜日、日曜日、祝日、祝日の前日、夜間、そして7月の間は課金されない/* この部分の出典は2つともリンク切れ */。車両1台当たりの1日の最大課税額は60スウェーデン・クローナ/* 現在のレートで約870円 */

Time of day Tax In other currencies¹
00:00 – 06:29 0 SEK
06:30 – 06:59 10 SEK 1.21 EUR, 1.58 USD
07:00 – 07:29 15 SEK 1.81 EUR, 2.37 USD
07:30 – 08:29 20 SEK 2.41 EUR, 3.16 USD
08:30 – 08:59 15 SEK
09:00 – 15:29 10 SEK
15:30 – 15:59 15 SEK
16:00 – 17:29 20 SEK
17:30 – 17:59 15 SEK
18:00 – 18:29 10 SEK
18:30 – 23:59 0 SEK

/* 10 SEKは約143円、20 SEKは約287円 */

/* 中略 */

Payment of the congestion tax cannot be made at the control points — they merely register which vehicles have passed them. A bill is sent to the vehicle owner at the end of each month, with the tax decisions for the preceding month's control point passages. The bill must be paid before the end of the next month. The vehicle owner is responsible for the payment of the tax, even if the bill does not arrive.[13]

transportstyrelsen.se(公開日記載なし)"Congestion taxes in Stockholm and Gothenburg"(2015年12月25日閲覧)
Changes to the congestion tax in Stockholm

On 1 January 2016, changes will be made to the congestion tax in Stockholm as follows:
  • Increase in the congestion tax for central Stockholm
  • Introduction of congestion tax on Essingeleden
  • Increase in the maximum charge levied per day

Increase in the congestion tax for central Stockholm
The congestion tax will be raised on 1 January 2016. The new charges for entering and leaving the congestion tax zone in Stockholm is SEK 11, 15, 25 and 35, depending on the time of day.

Congestion tax on Essingeleden
A special congestion tax will be introduced for driving on Essingeleden from 1 January 2016. The amount charged is SEK 11, 15, 22 or 30, depending on the time of day.

Higher maximum charge
The maximum congestion tax payable per day will be raised to SEK 105 per day and vehicle.
  • ストックホルム中心市街での増額
  • 高速道路への新規導入
  • 1日当たりの最大課税額の引き上げ

CityLab(2015年12月23日)"Stockholm's 'Reverse' Congestion Charge Would Pay Cyclists With Driving Fees"(2015年12月25日閲覧)
Some money earned through the congestion charge (which covers most of the inner city) could be funneled back into cycling benefits—not as cash in hand, but as credits towards bike repairs or upgrades to studded tires for winter riding.

/* 中略 */

While the city proper has become increasingly bike-, public transit-, and pedestrian-friendly, the wider suburbs are still lagging behind. This is understandable, given that densities are lower and that longer distances to the city center make cycling there a less casual undertaking. Providing active encouragement to residents outside the current congestion zone to pedal into the city could help tip the balance.

/* 中略 */

an experiment in France last summer where a control group of 10,000 employees were paid €0.25 a kilometer to cycle to work. This had only limited success, partly because commuters still had access to free parking.