

巣鴨地蔵通り商店街のcontinous footwayとsimultaneous green

Entrance of Sugamo Zizo-dori shopping street

No Vehicle sign


Technically speaking the term “vehicle” includes bicycles according to the Road Traffic Act (Article 2.1.8 and 2.1.11), but people generally consider “vehicle” as motorized vehicles and ignore ”No Vehicle” signs when on the saddle. In case the authority of a certain street/road really wants to prohibit cyclists from entering, they will put “including bicycles” text.

Continuous footwayと呼ばれるデザイン

細街路との交差点で幹線道路の歩道(や自転車道)を平面で連続させることで、優先通行権が歩行者側にあることを車のドライバーに直感的に理解させつつ、縁石の段差で車の速度を強制的に落とさせる構造。以前からオランダで普及しており、近年はイギリスでも注目が集まっていますね。地蔵通り商店街はそもそも歩道があまり必要ではなさそうな環境なので、こういう場所に continuous footway があるのは意外でした。

In Japan, continuous footway design usually found on junctions of an artery and a living street, but not uniformly. Even newly innovated streets lack this design element sometimes. So the example above caught my eyes. In this shopping street, though, where pedestrians dominate the whole street, the sidewalks may not necessary in the first place.

Continuous footway | Cycling Embassy of Great Britain (no date). Available at: https://www.cycling-embassy.org.uk/dictionary/continuous-footway (Accessed: 12 September 2018).

道路全面を自由に歩く歩行者 (People on foot dominating the entire street)


But I saw at another continuous footway, a little child on the sidewalk yielding a car waiting to pull out, then her mother waiting ahead told her off “Go ahead!” It might be the effect of the design. What concerned me was the wording of the chide. The exact translation would be “Cross!” suggesting that the mother regarded the continuous footway as if pedestrian crossing.

Cyclists waiting despite the green signal for vehicles

  1. 交差道路の車道が青→黄→赤
  2. 地蔵通りの車道が青→黄→赤
  3. 歩行者用信号が全方向まとめて青→点滅→赤

An interesting pattern of cyclists was observed at the north end of the Zizo-dori street. The intersection has three phases of signal:
  1. The other street gets green, then yellow, red.
  2. Zizo-dori gets green, then yellow, red.
  3. Pedestrian signals for all directions turn green, then flick, red.
Cyclists are supposed to follow signals for vehicle and may proceed from Zizo-dori in phase 2 at this intersection, but many people waited until phase 3 to pedal again.

Majority of cyclists here start with the simultaneous green for pedestrians.


This behaviour would be another sign of the prevalent perception that bicycles are not vehicles. For me, it was difficult to navigate through this junction because another bicycle came from the other street at the same time, unexpectedly.