




The six month trial follows a three week trial that took place last year, which found that standing on both sides of the escalator reduced congestion by around 30 per cent.
Transport for London (2016) Six month escalator trial at Holborn starts today, Transport for London. Available at: https://tfl.gov.uk/info-for/media/press-releases/2016/april/six-month-escalator-trial-at-holborn-starts-today (Accessed: 11 October 2018).


However, few customers choose to walk on longer escalators such as Holborn, so much of the left-hand-side is unused.
The Holborn escalators leading to the ticket hall are 23.4 metres tall, so most Holborn customers will prefer to stand on the 'up' escalators rather than walk.
Transport for London (2016) Six month escalator trial at Holborn starts today, Transport for London. Available at: https://tfl.gov.uk/info-for/media/press-releases/2016/april/six-month-escalator-trial-at-holborn-starts-today (Accessed: 11 October 2018).


同様の実験は2015年にもCanary Wharf駅で実施されたらしい(大元の出典が見つからない)が、高低差が10mしかなかったため、両側立ちで渋滞が10%悪化したとされている。
Apparently in 2015 someone from the organisation’s Escalator Passenger Safety Strategy Group (which is apparently a thing) carried out a study of Canary Wharf station and revealed that if everyone in that station was made to stand instead of walk, it would reduce overall escalator capacity by 10%.
And the reason for this discrepancy is height: At Canary Wharf, the escalators only rise by 10m - but Holborn has a much larger 24m escalator.
Malley, J. O. (2017) The Results Are In: The Holborn Escalator Trial Proves That It Is Better To Stand On the Escalator (Well, Sometimes), Gizmodo UK. Available at: http://www.gizmodo.co.uk/2017/03/the-results-are-in-the-holborn-escalator-trial-proves-that-it-is-better-to-stand-on-the-escalator-well-sometimes/ (Accessed: 11 October 2018).


Transport for London (2016) は脚注で、高低差18.5m以上では両側立ちの方が効率的になるとの先行研究があることに触れている。
Research has shown that for escalators with a vertical height of more than 18.5m it might be more effective to encourage standing on both sides because few customers will want to walk.

恐らくその出典は2002年の研究で、一段に二人が乗れる幅のエスカレーター (double escalator) では理論上、高低差が概ね18.5mを超える辺りから両側立ちの方が容量が上がると書かれている。
If this assumption is correct, then for a single escalator there will never be a rise at which standing on both sides would be preferable. For a double escalator with a rise greater than about 18.5 metres, capacity would be greater if people could be encouraged to stand on both sides.
Devis, P. and Dutta, G. (2002) Estimating of Capacity of Escalators in London Underground. WP2002-11–01. Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Research and Publication Department. Available at: https://ideas.repec.org/p/iim/iimawp/wp00049.html (Accessed: 11 October 2018).


しかしDevis and Dutta (2002) は乗客に両側立ちさせる困難さや、場所によって異なるルールを浸透させる難しさも指摘している。

An experiment at Holborn revealed that passengers are unlikely to be persuaded, on an ad hoc basis, to stand on both sides of an escalator even if that were considered to be advantageous. Through theoretical analysis, it is concluded that standing on both sides may be preferable in terms of maximising capacity at a limited number of escalators, but as it appears to be so unpopular, there would be little hope of imposing such a policy.

  • [...] if the assumptions made are correct, it would only be advantageous for high rise double escalators and for corner A double escalators.
  • To impose such a selective policy would be even more difficult than persuading passengers to stand on all escalators and the benefit gained would be minimal.


東京23区と横浜の計8駅でエスカレーターの混雑実態を調査した研究でも、両側立ちした場合に予想される流動係数(人数 / 捌け時間)は上がる駅と下がる駅があると指摘されている。

大竹哲士 and 岸本達也 (2017) ‘鉄道駅におけるエスカレータ上の歩行行動に関する研究’, 都市計画論文集, 52(3), pp. 263–269. doi: https://doi.org/10.11361/journalcpij.52.263.
