



Duc-Nghiem, N. et al. (2018) ‘Modeling cyclists’ facility choice and its application in bike lane usage forecasting’, IATSS Research, 42(2), pp. 86–95. doi: 10.1016/j.iatssr.2017.06.006.

1. Introduction


Because of some excellent advantages of cycling such as being environmentally friendly, good for public health, and affordable, many policies have been introduced to improve bicycle ridership in many cities. Therefore, bike facility development is considered as a key step. In fact, bike facilities have been widely developed in recent decades and the bike lane (BL) is one of the most popular facilities. In general, cyclists show high preference to BLs (e.g. [1], [2], [3], [4]). However, in some instances, cyclists are diverted from the BLs, as is the case in San Francisco [5] and Texas [6], [7]. This can be viewed as a significant wastage of resources.

high preference to BLs
日本では車道を視覚的に区切っただけの自転車レーンより、柵や縁石で区切った自転車道の方が圧倒的に支持されることが2010年の論文で報告されています。それには触れず、protected bike laneが普及し始める以前の古いアメリカの研究ばかり引用しているのは疑問です。

the case in San Francisco [5]
参考文献 [5] はサンフランシスコ市の資料のようですが、掲載ページこそ見つかるものの肝心のPDF(デッドリンク)が消えています。種々のアーカイブサイトにも残っていません。資料名だけ分かっても検証できないなら意味がないので、こういう資料を引用するなら魚拓を取っておいて欲しいですね。

以降の段落では、通行空間選択に関する3つの因子(道路環境、交通状況、自転車利用者の属性)に分けて先行研究を概括した上で、Duc-Nghiem, N. et al. (2018) の意義・新規性、構築したモデルの概要などを説明していますが、特に気になる点は無かったので第2節へ。

2. Methods

2.1. Sites and surveys



All selected sites had a typical cross-section of a medium size urban street with 2 or 3 traffic lanes, where trucks were prohibited in these streets, two sidewalks on both sides of the street, and both on-street and off-street facilities were available for cyclists to choose a route freely. The BLs in these sites were not implemented at the same time when the streets were built. Instead, they were added in several recent years in the form of a blue-painted striped lane. According to Japanese guideline [25], in the database, we actually had two types of BL: “real” and “non-real” ones. A real BL must satisfy two conditions: (1) its width must be greater than or equal to 1.0 m and (2), there must be a traffic sign on the street showing that there is a BL. According to Japanese traffic law [26], only cyclists are allowed to use the real BL. The non-real BLs in this study, although in the form of blue stripes, were smaller than 1.0 m. The blue stripe guides cyclists that they should use this space. Other road users can also use the space but the blue stripe may alert them about the danger of a cyclist existence, and they should give priority to cyclists. In this study, to make it simple, we did not distinguish these two types. Instead, all of them are so-called “bike lane” (“BL”). Fig. 2 shows images of typical with- and without-BL sites.

trucks were prohibited
Street Viewで見ると普通に走っていますし、規制標識も見当たりません。端的に誤りでは?

“real” and “non-real”
普通は real / non-real ではなく mandatory (or obligatory) / suggestion (or advisory) と言います。

must be greater than or equal to 1.0 m
自転車レーンの幅1.0m以上というのは止むを得ず局所的に切り詰める場合の絶対的な下限で、通常の下限は幅1.5m以上です。延々と1.0m幅で引いたものは正式な自転車レーンの要件を満たしません(ガイドライン p. II-17)。

only cyclists are allowed to use the real BL
"use" という語を使うと「走行」だけでなく「駐停車」も含まれると解釈できますが、道路交通法(第44〜47条)は車が自転車レーンに駐停車することを(ネーデルラントの交通法と違って)明示的には禁じていません。それどころか、さいたま市の自転車ネットワーク計画 (p.16) は「停車禁止の規制がなされていない道路では、自転車専用通行帯上の停車(人の乗り降りや荷下ろし等)が可能」と説明しています。

北米の都市では駐車帯は自転車レーンとは別に設けるのが普通ですし、ロンドンでは路上駐停車に塞がれる場所では自転車レーンを打ち切る処理をしている(Cycle Superhighway 2, 7など)ので、"only cyclists are allowed to use" と書くと日本もそうなのだろうと誤解を招きます。日本では駐車車両に自転車レーンを塞がせる前提で最初から空間設計をしているのが実態だと説明した方が良いでしょう。

should use this space

the blue stripe may alert them about the danger of a cyclist existence
不自然な英語の多い論文ですが、流石にこれは見過ごせません。「青い帯は自転車乗りという危険な存在について他の道路利用者の注意を喚起するかもしれない」という意味になってしまいます。車道空間の視覚的区分というこの文脈では、物理的脅威の源泉はあくまで車であって、自転車ではありません。もっと他に "the blue stripe warns them that there may be cyclists" のような表現ができたのでは?

should give priority

we did not distinguish these two types


The camera setup was based on the following factors: (1) It could observe cyclists clearly while they were riding either on- or off-street. (2) The recording direction was set so as to see the face of the cyclists riding on their left side (legal side in Japan), while cyclists who rode in the opposite direction were excluded from the data set. (3) Motor vehicles on the nearest lane to the surveyed sidewalk (where the camera was set) had to be observed. (4) The camera covered at least a 40 m length of the observed segment.


2.2. Data extraction


Although the surveys started around 7:30 a.m., data extraction started in real-time at 8:00 a.m. and ending time ranging from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Time duration of each site depended on its' cyclist volume. If cyclist volume were high, the time duration would be short and vice versa. In Japan, working time often starts at 9:00 a.m., so 8:00–9:00 a.m. is a rush hour. Considering these periods of time, traffic conditions of both rush and non-rush periods were investigated.


Table 1. Independent variables.


Factor group: Infrastructure

OSW Overall sidewalk width (m) M = 3.29,
SD = 0.93,
Max = 5.8,
Min = 1.5
ESW Essential sidewalk width (m) M = 2.47,
SD = 0.84,
Max = 4.8,
Min = 1.5
CW Curb lane width (m) M = 0.42,
SD = 0.16,
Max = 0.7,
Min = 0.3
NTL Number of traffic lane (lane) M = 2.4,
SD = 0.49,
Max = 3,
Min = 2
WTL With of traffic lane (m) M = 3.16,
SD = 0.53,
Max = 4.7,
Min = 2.1
BS Bus stop existence: “yes” if there was
at least one bus stop in the segment,
“no” otherwise
No (1028),
yes (374)
Ba Barrier: “yes” if there was
a barrier (fence or green strip)
between sidewalk and carriageway,
“no” otherwise
No (659),
yes (743)
BL BL existence: “yes” if there was BL
existing, “no” otherwise
Yes (719),
no (683)
BLW BL width (m) M = 0.89,
SD = 0.11,
Max = 1.0,
Min = 0.8

Essential sidewalk width
これは恐らく "Essential" ではなく "Effective" ですね。

Curb lane width
英語の "Curb lane" は縁石に最も近い通行帯を指す(つまり普通は幅が3m以上ある)ようですが、Duc-Nghiem, N. et al. (2018) の表では最小値0.3m、最大値0.7mとなっているので、明らかに何か別のものを指しています。図解がないと何のつもりで言っているのか分かりません。

BL width
