Has your local authority refused your application for a zebra crossing?— ETA Services Ltd (@ETAservicesltd) February 15, 2018
Want to borrow our pop-up version to mount a protest?
Let us know 🦓🚸#VisionZero pic.twitter.com/eEd2XA5Qci
行政の動きの遅さに業を煮やして市民が手近な材料で都市空間の改善を小さなスケールで実演してみせる活動はtactical urbanismと呼ばれ、世界各地で様々な試みが行なわれていますが、その材料の提供を一企業が、しかも交通事故も扱う保険会社が公的にアナウンスするのはかなり異例ですね。
By usual standards, we are a very unusual insurance company!— ETA Services Ltd (@ETAservicesltd) February 15, 2018
Oh, and our promotion of zebra crossings is absolutely not about corralling pedestrians to cross only in particular spots - we campaign for systematic approach to road danger reduction #VisionZero
We don't put it up and leave it in place - we use it to mount protests to cajole local authorities into installing the real thing— ETA Services Ltd (@ETAservicesltd) February 15, 2018