- 韓国国内で客による予約の一方的な破棄が社会問題として報じられているのは事実。
- プーケットでも韓国人旅行者が同様の問題を起こしているとの報道がある。
- しかし日本やその他の国を訪れた韓国人旅行者については確たる情報が無い。
Areas in Amsterdam wit an asphalt street print for reducing speed. Asfalt afdrukken alsof het klinkers zijn door bedrijf @Streetprint1. pic.twitter.com/ae8TCKhSS5— Urban Netherlands (@projectsfromNL) November 4, 2017
ネギが道に落ちてる画像を集めたフリーペーパー、完成しました✨とても素敵な一冊になったと思います。写真を提供していただいた方、興味を持って頂いた方々、ありがとうございます。 pic.twitter.com/irRKQjsMag— ネギが道に落ちてる画像 (@negi_street) October 28, 2017
東小金井の @OnlyFreePaper さんにフリーペーパーを置かせていただきました。お近くの方、是非お手に取って見てください。よろしくお願いします! pic.twitter.com/OhulOvVAdM— ネギが道に落ちてる画像 (@negi_street) October 29, 2017
ドライバーのセリフ“Damn those bike paths and bus lanes taking all the space!”は「くそっ、この忌々しい自転車レーンとバスレーンが、道路の全部を占めてるゼ!」とでも訳しましょうか。
なにが“all the space!”だっての。
Protesters have shut off part of a road and made a ‘pop-up bike lane’ in Brisbane. Officials are calling it an ‘irresponsible stunt’. #sun7 pic.twitter.com/sZpNdNd3hU— Sunrise (@sunriseon7) September 7, 2017
To apply political pressure for safe, separated bike lanes, West End residents will be creating their own temporary pop-up bike lane along part of Hardgrave Rd on the morning of Friday, 8 September to coincide with West End State School's 'Bling Your Bike Day'.
This morning's pop-up bike lane was a huge success. Lots of people used it and there was plenty of positive support from residents.
Cr Schrinner said marking out an unofficial bike lane using pot plants and other obstacles was illegal and unsafe.
“This would be an irresponsible stunt with significant public safety implications,” he said.
“Placing objects such as pot plants or witches' hats on the road without approval or appropriate assessment by qualified traffic engineers could lead to confusion and potentially put the safety of both cyclists and motorists at risk.
— space4cyclingbne (@space4cyclingbn) September 8, 2017
Brisbane City says community made bike lane risks safety of cyclists because not designed by qualified traffic engineers. OK city your turn pic.twitter.com/wvEuviPO2n
The road is back to normal like nothing has changed. City didn't like us changing stuff, but we did - people's minds about what feels safe. pic.twitter.com/FZGtGUVLJs— space4cyclingbne (@space4cyclingbn) September 9, 2017
Today we’re launching ‘Insert Loved One Here’ - a visual tool illustrating the poor quality of conditions people are expected to cycle in pic.twitter.com/FhPjEwQ4vQ— GB Cycling Embassy (@GBCycleEmbassy) June 30, 2017